JUNE 28 - Today's the day...
Did you ever think in a million years, everything that has happened in your life…every path you’ve went down. Every sad, happy, joyful, heartbreaking, in-love moment would bring you to this spot in your life?!
Yeah me either!
I sit writing this in a town of 4,000 people in rural Kansas. There’s no Target, no Starbucks and NO HOBBY LOBBY (gasp!) as far as the eye can see. But somehow the creature comforts I had for so long in Kansas City (I lived there from 2007 until just this past year)…seem so unimportant. Unimportant in the sense that everyday I just went on my own merry way, spending money on too many things, in too many places. And yet I wasn’t happy.
The things of a much larger city, stimulate our minds and our eyes…but do they really fulfill our hearts and souls?
For me the answer now is no. Especially with COVID-19 running rampant in my once, far off beloved home. The creature comforts like a Lavender Lemon Latte, a quick trip to Hobby Lobby (that never turned out quick), a wonderful vegan meal at Cafe Gratitude, all seem soo far away. But I find myself happier than I’ve ever been before.
Do you feel so unbelievably changed because of the world-wide Pandemic that we’ve all been forced to live through?! There was no choice in the matter of staying home and cutting off all the lovely habits and ways of a our once busy, busy life. For me it’s been brutal somedays and others a gift from the heavens above. I’ve reconnected with my passion for creating. In the most soul-healing way possible.
Maybe COVID didn’t heal the missing pieces of your soul like it did mine, but did you learn something about yourself? About your friends and your family? The lessons are abundant if we just take the time to slow down and really notice them.
So back to my once main point :) today is the day that I take a very small side-hustle passion project to the web, to the masses…and damn it, IT’S SCARY GUYS! Something that on and off for years of my life, has carved out such a special spot in my heart is now expanding. I’m nervous, excited and most of all so JOYFUL!! Creating is very personal, very intimate and to step out of that comfort zone…is well uncomfortable. And I am beyond thankful for so many supportive individuals that have been my cheerleaders, my connectors and my support system the past few months!! I am so thankful to all of you…especially my beautiful friend Andrea, my Aunt Ginger, my wonderful parents and all the rest of the crew, I could not have jumped off the cliff without you!!
So here I am, soul laid bare…my once secret creations are now here for you to see, hopefully make you smile and to warm your hearts and the receivers of said creations. I am a firm believer in re-starting the wonderful lost art of sending cards, to ACTUALLY surprise someone in a world of instant gratification. The anticipation of sending a personal card, to me feels like the excitement of Christmas morning. “When will the card get there? Did I brighten their day? Maybe this small little token of love will make them smile and remind them of how amazing they truly are?”
Much love and gratitude,
Kelsey Ann