Sept 18 - Life

Today started with an early morning wake-up call after a long night of creating (we are talking 1 am people and if you know me, that might as well feel like 6 am)…I’m one of those folks that needs and desires a good 8-9 hours of sleep a night. Am I right?!
Friday was here and I'd better be ready, but I was pleasantly surprised by the  crisp air of a cool September morning. As I shut my front door behind me and I skipped off my front stoop…two things lay ahead of me, a walk with my beautiful momma and a road trip to my second home, Kansas City. Leisurely strolling down the streets as the cool air gently kissed my cheeks…I felt so content in the moment. Like I was made for today. Autumn is by far my favorite season, all the colors and textures, they enliven my heart and soul. Mom and I chatted about it all, life and the daily catch-up, the good and the bad of the week. She is a constant reminder of why God chose my family for me. A kind hearted woman if you’ve ever met one, she’d literally give the shirt off her back and the shoes off her feet to help anyone in need. And damn, I strive to be as strong in my faith and always seeing the good in humanity as she.
Whether our conversations are a short catch up or an involved afternoon long, I always feel the lessons of her life pouring out to me to collect and file away for another day. And today was no different. I see so much of myself in her and today I felt her tender heart, the sadness and pain, when we discuss the never ending topic of COVID (she’s a nurse). And as we strolled down the brick streets of our small town, we intertwined the happiness of sharing our (joint day off from work) and what we thought the world might look like in the coming weeks and months. How hard COVID has been for all of us. How we all just want things to go back to normal, even though I know the new normal will be nothing as we remembered. But may that "new" is exactly what God has intended for all us...
Much love & gratitude,
Kelsey Ann